
Net, for one thing, can be "clean, pure" . Apply in the space, give it pure white color, will be able to create a kind of artistic conception of the United States. Second, it can also pass "static" , for "quiet" . Quiet your mind, calm your mind, do not disturb yourself. Square and round, a rigid one soft, a static one move, has been a song, this is the shape of the relative, by means of a good potential to melt, is the beauty of harmony casting.

那特品牌灵感源自英文“NATURE”,意为自然。始终秉承“All For Beauty”的品牌理念,以自然之美作为品牌基础。服务以追求健康、自然、时尚的客户群体,为每一个顾客提供专业化、风格化的艺术造型。本案亦是想为那特NATURE美业,打造一处纯净、自然、时尚的美发空间。以自然之美来感受此空间的旋律,再为合适不过。

The brand is inspired by the English word NATURE, which means NATURE. Always uphold the "All For Beauty" brand concept, with natural Beauty as the basis of the brand. Service to the pursuit of health, natural, fashion customer groups, for each customer to provide a professional, stylized art modeling. This case is also to create a pure, natural and fashionable hairdressing space for naturebeauty. Natural beauty to feel the melody of this space, it is more appropriate.


The circle is the origin of creation, and all shapes are formed by its change and divergence. Over the design, the open reception area was originally a square column to be converted into a column, and the space corresponding. Reduce and simplify the edges of a square so that it is round without edges and corners.

项目名称 | 净曲·方圆   

 项目类型 | 商业空间·个人形象设计工坊

 项目面积 | 260 ㎡

 项目地点 | 江苏南京

 室内设计 | 马蹄莲空间设计

 合作方式 | 全程托管